Report compromised account
IDR 478.861
Facebook. facebook. Report compromised account. If you believe your account has been compromised by another person or a virus, please click the "My account is May 10, 2024 Is there a sub or group here where i BUYSPINSLOT can post the account link so it gets mass reported naga langit 88 so it gets taken down? Any guidance is much appreciated. Report an Impostor Account Which of the following best describes your situation? Do you have a Facebook account? If someone created a fake profile that's Oct 1, 2023 It Depends on what the Facebook Staff Decides and what they think Sometimes Facebook may not Believe the Report is Valid in that Situation Note: If you want to report a hacked account, don't fill out the form below. After we verify your information, we'll remove indahslot this account from power4d Facebook.