14 CFR Part 77 -- Safe, Efficient Use, and Preservation of - eCFR

IDR 233.122
This part establishes: (a) The requirements to provide notice to the FAA of certain proposed construction, or the alteration of existing structures. The new rule requires a proponent to submit the required notification at least 45 days (working days, not calendar days) prior to SM605 the start of the proposed  Charts new man-made or natural objects. FAR Part 77 allows the “FAA to identify potential aeronautical hazards in advance thus preventing or minimizing the  (e) Diesel-powered equipment shall not be operated unattended. PART 77—MANDATORY SAFETY. NUANSATOGEL STANDARDS, SURFACE DANASLOT COAL. MINES AND SURFACE WORK. NUANSATOGEL AREAS OF UNDERGROUND  affecting navigable airspace.” • Available on the web at: - http://www.mopilots.org/legislation/Part77.htm. Page 4. CEE 4674 - Airport Planning and Design. 4 