Just picked up my first car, a 1968 Oldsmobile delta 88 : r/classiccars
IDR 214.961
May 10, 2024 The 68 Delta 88 came with either a DELTA 88 Oldsmobile 350cid V8 or Olds 455cid V8 one trick the thermostat should be a 192F.. and you need one that has a Jul 20, 2009 The short answer to both of your questions is yes! The 200R-4 should be a bolt-in. Driveshaft modification may be needed. Mar 8, 2024 Found some pics of the Delta88 from a HorrorCon 2019 (Cosplay Post) Well, nanas777 Hello Mr. Fancy Pants Would've been cool to see this in future adventures! Aug 6, 2023 Try checking the jumper hoses DEPO SLOT ZEUS from the hard fuel lines. Some times they rot crack and draw air but not leak fuel. May 30, 2009 It isn't a Series I 3800, it is an rajaampo original 3800. Pre LN3. 165 hp. Not the fastest, but mine lasted >275K miles untouched, trans PEMILIK FB included. And my best was 36.5