Get Started with Your Streaming Set Up | Facebook Gaming Creators

IDR 391.967
You will see a preview screen of your stream on Facebook by the server URL and stream key. 4. Go Live! Name your stream, identify the game you're playing, and  Pelajari cara memulai streaming dengan menggunakan panduan lengkap kami bagi Kreator Facebook Gaming untuk mendaftar, menyiapkan, dan melakukan siaran  You are eligible for the Level asiakoin Up program if you meet these RTPSKY77 three requirements: · Have created 2+ Videos On Demand (VODs) that are 3+ minutes each in a 14-day  Cara Mendaftar. Kriteria kelayakan partner didasarkan pada SINGA77 pengikut aktif dan pendapatan bulanan. Lihat kemajuan Anda saat ini dan verifikasi kriteria akbtoto kelayakan  Join the Partner Program for Facebook Gaming Creators, made to bring streamers to the next step in their monetization efforts with in-stream ads and other