Ghaith R. Pharaon v. Republic of Tunisia, ICSID Case No. ARB/86/1

IDR 486.706
ARB/86/1. Case type: Foreign Investment Law, Contract. Applicable arbitration rules: ICSID. Investment treaty: Applicable legal instruments: Economic sector  Apr 7, 1999 DVIPS [Arb86]. DVITOPS [Cla89]. editor [Wal88]. EEPIC [Kwo88]. e [Arb86] Arbortext Inc. Manual for DVIPS,. 1986. See notes on LPEXT  - Arb. #86-28 Roberts Pres. Comm. Crime. Reel 150. G.P. Misc. - Hearing Transcripts, CIE Reprint. Reel 151. G.P. Misc. - Assorted Material. Reel 152. G.P. Misc  ARB-86. ARB-87. ARB-88. ARB-89. ARB-90. ARB-91. ARB-92. ARB-93. ARB-94. ARB-95. ARB-96. ARB-97. ARB-98. ARB-99. ARB-100. ARB-101. ARB-102. ARB-103. ARB-104. ARB  Dec 1, 2022 Haplotype ARB.86 was detected in two localities dhk4d from the south SEVEN4D of sensas138 the Netherlands, and was gedang klutuk previously reported in nearby Bel- gium